Au diapason du monde
The exhibition “Au diapason du monde” brings together 200 work of art and 25 contemporary artists under the theme of “the man’s place in the universe”. This exhibition questions the relationship between humans and their environment, highlighting the interconnections between humans, animals, plants and minerals. For this, the Louis Vuitton Foundation has built a path composed of 3 parts. In the first part of the exhibition, “The man who capsizes”, we find works of art representing the body in fantasized forms. Then comes the question of Man in History and his desire to dominate the world around him in the section “there infinitely”. And finally, the last stage, “irradiance”, stages a dialogue with the nature. From April 11 to August 27 2018. Monday to Thursday from 12 pm to 7 pm (Tuesday closed), Friday from 12 pm to 9 pm and the weekend from 11 am to 8 pm. The Louis Vuitton Foundation is located a few subway station away from our hotel Pastel where we invite you to come and enjoy the exhibition. La Fondation Louis Vuitton 8 Avenue du Mahatma Gandhi 75116 Paris Subway : Line 1, station Les Sablons Tarifs Tarif plein : 14 € ; Tarif rĂ©duit : 10 € ; tarif famille : 32 €